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Published: tentoleki1982
Language: English
News19 spoke with the mom of the victim. She tells us the teen suffered first degree burns from the December incident. She has since healed. Police say the man was driving a red Ford Focus at the time. Employees were unable to get the license tag number of the vehicle. Man threw hot coffee at McDonald's employee after waiting too long in SC drive-thru, police say. Investigators say they believe the man may be from the Rembert area and goes by the name "Topcat." Camden, SC (WLTX)- Camden police released video they say shows a man throwing hot coffee at a McDonald's drive-thru worker. According to an incident report, the man was asking for a large fry because he was unhappy about how long it took to get his food. The 16-year-old worker says the man asked to see a manager, and became upset at her saying she rolled her eyes. The incident took place on December 21 around 9:40 p.m. The man then motioned for the teen to re-open the drive-thru window. When she did, he reportedly threw hot coffee in her face.